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Roecroft Lower School


Wellbeing is at the forefront of what we do here at Roecroft. We have established a caring and nurturing environment that supports each child as a whole. This includes work across the curriculum that promotes positive behaviour, mental health, well-being, resilience and achievement.

The level of support each child needs to be emotionally literate, self-aware and mentally well will differ. We have a wealth of interventions and support systems across the school to ensure every child has the social and emotional skills to achieve their potential.

Whilst all staff in school have a responsibility to promote the mental health of pupils, please find below a list of key staff with specific roles and responsibilities. 

 Key people in school


Mrs Pepper

Pupil Well-being and Early Help Lead

Mrs Taylor


Mrs Pateman

Enrichment Teacher

Mrs Valpy

Behavioural and Pastoral Support Worker


 Please click on the link to read our school Wellbeing Policy.

Wellbeing Policy

Please click on the link for details of support services that you can access.

Support Services 


Please click on the link to view a collection of wellbeing activities to support and inspire children of all ages, put together by TTS.

 Wellbeing activities






Parenting Mental Health

Parenting Mental Health aims to support parents who are supporting a child with poor mental health. They have informative guides, creative counselling videos, and chat and connect sessions twice weekly. 

Web: https://www.parentingmentalhealth.org/ 

 PMH is one of the few charities in the UK that specifically helps parents who are supporting a child with mental health challenges and whose needs and impact for positive change are all too often overlooked. 


Family Information Directory

The Central Bedfordshire's Family Information Directory contains lots of information about childcare settings, local and national organisations that offer support and advice, children's centres and local activities in Central Bedfordshire.      



Supporting young minds: your essential resources



Family Lives - Parenting support and courses

Being a parent has never been easy. There are no manuals for it, and previous generations may not be able to provide the insight you're looking for. The family unit is more dispersed than ever, with some families existing hundreds of miles from what may be called a 'core unit'. The rapid pace of societal change in the UK rapidly outstrips the knowledge of the immediate past. The result is that many parents may find themselves lost in a maelstrom of contradictory advice. For adults, time has never been more compacted.
Family Lives has produced a series of online parenting courses, to make this challenge a little easier. If interested please follow the link below:


Family Lives also offers a confidential and free helpline service for families, they can be contacted on 0808 800 2222 for emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life. Their website is also a rich source of useful support and advice. Their website is also a rich source of useful support and advice.


Lumi Nova



PoetsIn - https://www.poetsin.com/ 


Wellbeing Events/Workshops


SNAP Workshops and Courses

SNAP have a number of events coming up this term.
  • Understanding Anxiety - 30/1/25 - 12-1:30pm

  • Understanding Challenging Behaviour - 6/2/25 - 12-1:30pm

  • Tips and Tools to Manage School Avoidance/Absence - 13/2/25 -12-1:30pm

All sessions are free and open to parent/carers across Central Bedfordshire who are members of SNAP PCF.

SNAP PCF is free to join via their website. 
Booking for all sessions in essential. Email: admin@snappcf.org.uk to secure a place. 


reducing parental conflict parent insight webinar.pdf


 Early Help Workshops 



Understanding Worries in Children - Tuesday 4th March 5-6pm 

Use link below to book.



Supporting School Transitions - Wednesday 18th June 11am-12pm or Tuesday 8th July 5-6pm 

Use links below to book. 

June - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/supporting-school-transitions-tickets-988148718417?es_c=3020E8F42400E199C36C96214C07D878&es_cl=6C3BFB8F39C639816CBD91DC8CBE518B&es_id=p48%c2%a377 


July - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/supporting-school-transitions-tickets-988160543787?es_c=3020E8F42400E199C36C96214C07D878&es_cl=78E13FD30A9E1E82ACE56CAE402C5494&es_id=p48%c2%a377 


Home-Start Courses

Parenting courses available. Contact Home-Start.

Call: 01582 66 00 61

Email: office@home-startcentralbeds.org.uk

Visit: www.home-startcentralbeds.org.uk


CHUMS Psychoeducation Workshops
Use the link below to view dates and times of upcoming one off workshops on a range of topics. The workshops are designed as a starting pointing for families with children or young people who have low level difficulties. 
To refer to the workshops, complete an online registration form.

BLMK Talking Therapies

Led by experts, the three local #mentalhealth Talking Therapy teams can provide you with a shoulder of support, equipping you with the tools and skills to help you understand a wide range of issues for your own self-care. Each webinar is free to access, you are anonymous on the call and no camera is required.Some personal details are required in order to take part in the event. This is to ensure that each health service performs correctly and in line with national health regulations. Available to anyone who lives in the Bedfordshire, Luton & Milton Keynes area. For more information and to register today for each event, please visit:



STILL Method workshops - supporting children with anxiety



Wellbeing Services

CHUMS Services

CHUMS currently delivers nine services across Luton & Bedfordshire, although not all are available in both areas.   Supporting children and young people is at the heart of everything we do, and we are passionate about supporting as many children and young people as we can.  We recognise that one size does not fit all which is one of the reasons why we have developed our unique service model.

Our services wherever possible support the family as a whole as we know that sometimes everyone in the family needs a little help, not just the child who has been referred.

All our group workshops support parent/carers as well as their children.  Some of our current service delivery is also directly accessible to adults.
Click the link below to have a look what we can offer. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact one of our staff on 01525 863924 or you can email info@chums.uk.com and your email will be directed to the relevant staff member.


Sorted - Counselling for young people 

Sorted offers a free and confidential counselling service for young people aged 5-25

Expertise in specialist areas - play therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, sexual and domestic abuse, self-harm, bereavement and trauma



Parentline - text messaging advice for parents/carers

Confidential text messaging advice and support line for parents and carers for children aged 0-19 years old

TEXT 07507 331456

This service offers advice and support on a range of issues such as weaning, sleep, behaviour, incontinence and emotional health or how to make an appointment with your local health visitor.




We work across Central Beds, providing a range of support including community-based peer support groups, mentoring, our Mind Matters groups and a selection of activities that aim to support positive mental health and wellbeing.



Relate - counselling service for young people

1-2-1 therapeutic counselling sessions for 5 – 21-year-olds

Practical sessions around the following topics: relationship counselling (adults), sex therapy (adults), children and young people’s counselling, family counselling and telephone counselling.



Beat - Eating Disorders

Support’s people who have or are worried they have an eating disorder, as well as others affected, such as friends and family members. 

A variety of support services including, helplines, one-to-one web chat, Echo Peer Coaching and online support groups.  

Youthline – 0808 801 0711



how you feel matters.pdf


parentline poster.jpg


Young Carers

Central Beds new Young Carers website is now live! You can find it here on this link:


Here you will find information on their fantastic offer for young carers, the events and activities they hold, and how young carers can access their offer. There is a section to support parents in how to register their child as a young carer.

There’s also information on who a young carer is, what things they may do as a young carer, and organisations who support young carers, alongside videos and photos of some of our residential trips and activities.




Parent Pals


Have you found things a little difficult recently?

Do you want to build new friendships?

Would you like to meet new people with children from your local area?

Do you want to share ideas and thoughts with others?

Would you like non-judgemental support and encouragement?

If the answer to any of the above questions is....YES! Then join a Parent Pal session.

The sessions are being run virtually, every other week on a Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 – 2:30pm.

Contact Claire Racher or Paula Murphy for to receive the link for the sessions which will be delivered via Microsoft Teams. 




Stotfold Children's Centre


 5 Ways to Wellbeing