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Roecroft Lower School


The ethos and aims of Roecroft Lower School are underpinned by an embedded belief in the teaching of a Values Based Education. Children are given the opportunity to thrive and enjoy their learning in a safe and supportive environment.

We believe our school is a unique place to work and learn. It has an individual identity that combines traditional values with a modern, vibrant vision. Ensuring our children are prepared for their futures and ready to tackle the next stage of their education with a courageous and respectful attitude. Moving into adulthood to become motivated citizens in the wider world.

Children and their families lie at the heart of this successful school. Staff bring a breadth and depth of professional knowledge and encourage a learning culture with a strong ethos of inclusion. Striving to ensure all children hit their potential whatever their starting point.


In addition to this at Roecroft, we aim:

  • To offer our children the best possible education within the context of a caring and values based community;
  • To provide a happy school environment where everyone feels secure and valued;
  • To work in partnership with parents in the education of their children and encourage their involvement and support;
  • To teach the skills required to seek knowledge independently, allowing children to nurture a love of learning;
  • To enable high standards to be achieved across the curriculum through the acquisition of knowledge, skill and understanding;
  • To foster the development of high self-esteem, through positive action and modelled behaviour;
  • To expect high standards of behaviour, with respect and consideration shown by everyone, both within the school community and outside in the wider world;
  • To develop a caring ethos for the environment and the world we live in;
  • To develop an understanding of other cultures and religions and to foster spiritual growth;
  • To prepare children for the next stage of their education, and stage of life.


There is an expectation at Roecroft Lower School that both staff and parents alike will take on our school ethos and work towards the same values. Embedding them in their own lives and practice.


Together creating a better future for our children