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Roecroft Lower School

Sports Premium

As with every Primary School in the country, Roecroft Lower School has been awarded funding to promote and improve Physical Education and sport in our School.

Further information regarding the Sports Premium Funding can be found from the Department for Education on www.education.gov.uk

Our Vision

Roecroft Lower School are committed to using this resource in developing high quality PE lessons, alongside greater opportunities for sporting competitions and clubs for all our young people. Through PE & Sport our children learn to develop the important qualities of discipline, resilience, communication, team work, and ambition, leading to improved concentration, attitude, and academic achievement.

We believe that the children at Roecroft will develop a passion for healthy living and a lifelong love for an active lifestyle.



We will use the funding to ensure that the improvements we make are sustainable and that we meet the physical needs of all of our pupils through a diverse range of high quality activities. 


We follow the National Curriculum for PE, where pupils access a broad range of activities and resources to develop their fundamental movement skills including running, jumping, throwing, catching, balancing, co-ordination and agility. The pupils participate in team games and learn many new sports. In KS2, the pupils take part in outdoor adventurous activities and have swimming lessons. Our teachers are passionate about PE and take part in regular training to up-level their skills and knowledge. 



Active Lunchtimes

Here at Roecroft we enjoy active lunchtimes! Structured games and activities are on offer for the children to participate in, as well as exciting equipment for the pupils to engage with. Every child will have the ability to take part in multi-skills sessions run by Premier Sports coaches which include a range of new sports and games including archery, golf, tag rugby, football and more. We make full use of our trim trail and outdoor cardio equipment which is great fun to use and keeps us fit and healthy. We are dedicated to ensuring lunchtimes are fun, exciting and active!                                                 


Each pupil in school belongs to a ‘House’. Throughout the school year we earn points for our houses by living our school values, as well as competing in sporting events. We hold ‘Inter-House Competitions’ throughout the year where we compete against each other in a fun and healthy way. We also hold an annual summer sports day and separate dance morning where the pupils showcase their skills to the parents and members of our community. 

Additionally, we are members of the Redborne School Sports Partnership who host competitions in a wide range of sports including multi-skills, athletics, tag rugby, football and kwik-cricket. The pupils enjoy representing Roecroft and competing against other local lower schools.


Dance Morning

Every year we host a ‘Dance Morning’ where the pupils perform a dance they have been learning (costumes also included!). We invite parents, carers and members of our community to watch and support the pupils. It is a very popular event which pupils, parents and staff thoroughly enjoy!