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Roecroft Lower School

EYFS Curriculum

Yearly Overview

The Reception curriculum design is bespoke to children's interests, our local area and community and the needs of the children. The overall curriculum intent is to ensure children have the best opportunity to achieve their potential whilst also achieving a good level of development and being prepared for the National Curriculum in Year 1. However, the overarching aim of our curriculum design is to give every child the best possible opportunity to become well rounded learners who can achieve their own personal goals and ambitions.

 Our curriculum design follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (DfE, 2024) and incorporates statements taken from Non-Statutory Guidance 'Development Matters' (DfE, July 2023) as well as 'Birth to 5 Matters' (Early Education and the Early Years Coalition, 2021). They form the beginnings of a bespoke curriculum design which incorporates children's interests, prior knowledge, skills and experiences. Links to these three documents can be found below.

For a more detailed breakdown of the areas of learning please select Autumn, Spring or Summer term from the Curriculum menu for EYFS, here you will find: 

Curriculum maps that share the specifics of the skills and knowledge taught in each subject and highlight key topics or themes.  

Knowledge organisers that share some of the above but in a more family friendly way. They are an excellent resource to use at home for starting conversations about what your child has been learning in school.

Links to the mentioned documents:

Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework

Non-Statutory guidance - Development Matters

Birth to 5 Matters