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Roecroft Lower School

Registered charity no. 1017287


What is Friends of Roecroft?

Friends of Roecroft Lower School (known as FORLS) is a registered charity which raises funds for the school to benefit the pupils’ education and experience.  Anyone connected with the school can be a member: parent; carer; relative; teaching or non-teaching staff, as well as any person 18 years and over wishing to offer appropriate support or help to the school. If you would like to become a member then please email us providing your details to forls@roecroft.co.uk. We also have a Committee and Members’ Facebook group which advertises all our events and posts details of meetings, amongst other updates: FORLS Committee Facebook page

Committee members

Chair – Jai Restall
Vice Chair – Melissa Pereira
Secretary – Joann Restall 
Treasurer - Kevin Goldsmith

FORLS Constitution

How do we support the school?

FORLS raises money to help provide extra resources, facilities and experiences to enhance the children’s time at Roecroft, across all the year groups. Thanks to the enthusiasm and support of our parents, carers, children and local businesses we have recently been able to provide:

  • A large contribution to the refurbished playground area
  • First Aid training for students
  • Resources for the Phoenix room
  • Christmas presents for every class
  • A disco, refreshments and entertainment for the Year 4 Leavers in addition to other momento items
  • End of year treats for every pupil

But it’s not just about fundraising, we also like to support the school with their own events. You'll  find FORLS members serving teas and coffees at Grandparents' Morning, the Open Evening and selling books at the book fair.

What do we do to raise money for Roecroft?

To raise funds to support the school, we organise various activities over the school year engaging parents, carers, pupils, the wider community and businesses. These events include discos, quiz nights, raffles, Christmas cards & tea towels and even sponsored bounces!!! Please keep an eye on social media as we advertise all our events on there!

Roecroft has achieved Eco School status so FORLS tries to run events in accordance with these principles in terms of waste minimisation, resource use and environmental impact.

FORLS also runs a second hand uniform shop, so any donations of uniform are very welcome. If you wish to donate uniform then please drop it into the school office. To enquire about purchasing uniform, please contact FORLS through the messaging function on our main Facebook page: Friends of Roecroft

How can you help?

As budgets continue to become squeezed in all areas, schools become more reliant on fundraising from its parents groups and Roecroft is no different.  FORLS can only continue to provide these resources and experiences if we have ongoing support and donations from parents to run these events, both financially and by donating their time.

Not all members are needed to help at every event so you can volunteer as much time as suits you. Being an active member of FORLS can be good fun and is very rewarding as you will be actively supporting your child's experiences. Whatever commitment you give will be appreciated and will make a difference.

We also receive enormous support from businesses and individuals within the local community. If you or anyone you know would be interested in supporting the FORLS fundraising efforts through fund-matching or raffle prize donations then please contact a member of the committee.

When do we meet?

An AGM takes place in September where everyone is welcome to attend. Information about the meeting is sent out by the School and posted on social media.

And finally...

FORLS would not be able to do the work they do without the support of all the parents, carers, friends, and grandparents who come to the events and help make them such a success. Many thanks go to all those who help raise money for our children's school. Your continued support is much appreciated and we look forward to seeing you all at our events in the future.