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Roecroft Lower School

Medicines in School

Your child’s health and safety is of prime concern to us and it is essential that parents and teachers work together for the good of the child in this regard.


It is important that the school is aware of any medical condition that may affect your child during the school day. This may include information on allergies ie. anaphylaxis, Asthma or eyesight.  In the case of anaphylaxis, a Care Plan must be completed by our School Nurse.  If your child has Asthma our Care Plan form must be completed annually.   Where your child may have food allergies these must be backed up with a letter from either the doctor or hospital unless it is for religious reasons.

Please ensure the relevant Medical forms are completed and given to the school office. 


Infections in school children are common. However, not all infectious diseases are contagious.   If you discover that your child has an infectious disease please inform the school immediately, especially in the case of an illness which may affect other children. Please keep your child away from school until he/ she is clear of infection and check with your GP when your child is fit to return to school.

If your child has Sickness and Diarrhoea they must not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.

Head louse infection is a regular problem in the classroom. Please ensure you check your child regularly and treat as necessary. 


From time to time minor incidents such as cuts and abrasions etc. will occur. The staff at the school will deal with these by washing the cut with water and if necessary applying a plaster.   Please ensure you advise if your child is allergic to plasters. Parents are expected to check under the plaster when the child returns home from school.  

In the case of a child becoming ill at school, parents/guardians will be contacted. You will be notified if your child has any fall involving a bang on the head. Please make sure you have filled out and sent an Emergency Contact Information Form to the school.


You are required to complete the form detailing any medical information that may affect your child while at school.

Under no circumstances will non-prescribed oral medicine or tablets be administered by the staff.

Prescribed medication will only be considered to be administered in school time and will be at the discretion of the Headteacher. Where a dose is required three times a day this should be encouraged to be given out of school hours.  If a child is required to be given medicine four times a day, it may be questioned that the child is too ill to be in school.   Where permission has been given by the Headteacher, the smallest possible dose should be brought to school, preferably by the parent, with clear written instructions for administration, giving the name of the pupil.  A parental agreement must also be completed.  

Children are not permitted to keep medication in their own possession (including cough sweets, cold-sore creams and other pharmaceuticals).


Where possible please make medical appointments out of school hours or during the holidays. We understand that this is not always possible but appointments during school time causes disruption to the class and office.