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Roecroft Lower School


Maths Curriculum

At Roecroft Lower School we believe all children should be given every opportunity to develop their maths skills through our calculation policy. 

We teach and allow our pupils to access different skills through three different elements, these are: concrete, pictorial and abstract. Consequently, this allows them to both achieve their full potential, understand the importance of maths in real life and feel better equipped to access the curriculum as it becomes more challenging and rapid in the next stage of their education.

Please see the link below for our calculation policy and for further details of what your child is learning each term in maths, please see our 2024/25 Maths Curriculum Maps.

EYFS Curriculum Map

Year 1 Curriculum Map

Year 2 Curriculum Map

Year 3 Curriculum Map

Year 4 Curriculum Map

Maths Calculation Policy

Maths Skills Progression Maps

Skills Progression Addition and Subtraction

Skills Progression Algebraic Thinking

Skills Progression Fractions and Decimals

Skills Progression Geometry

Skills Progression Measurement

Skills Progression Multiplication and Division

Skills Progression Number and Place Value

Skills Progression Statistics 

Mental Maths

Mental maths is a way of teaching children to understand mathematical vocabulary, reasoning and practises the four basic number operations. It also challenges children to do more complex problems while introducing logical thinking and helps to apply knowledge that has previously been introduced. At Roecroft we have daily mental maths starters and mental maths tasks. Once a week our pupils attend mental maths sessions which follow the Schofield and Sims books.



Times Tables

Times Tables are at the heart of mental arithmetic, which helps form the basis of a child’s understanding and ability when working with number. Once the children have learnt the times tables and related divisions by heart, they are able to work more confidently and efficiently.  

Below shows a table of times table progression across the school.  

Times Tables

Year 4 Multiplication Check

Please see the PowerPoint below for information on the statutory multiplication check and a times tables suggestion sheet. 

Year 4 Multiplication Check PowerPoint Presentation

Times Tables Suggestion Sheet


Maths Homework

Pupils at Roecroft have a daily interactive Maths homework which allows them to consolidate their maths skills. Doodle Maths is an app that provides all our pupils with an individual work programme that is tailored to their ability. They work on short, snappy exercises and the app has motivational features to make our pupils feel more confident about their maths. In KS2 our pupils practise their timestables for homework on a fun and interactive app called Timestable Rockstar. This is a great app to improve memory and quick recall of timestable facts. Please see our links below to read more information about the apps we use.

Doodle Maths Parent Handbook

Times Tables Rock Star Parent Guide

Parent Guide TTRS

Time Tables Rock Stars Features


Maths Learning Resources & Workshops

 At Roecroft it is important to us to keep our pupil’s parents/carers informed of their learning within maths. Once a year we host a maths workshop for each year group which involves information about the calculation policy, curriculum and programmes within school. Furthermore, each year group has a maths glossary that includes taught methods and mathematical vocabulary to consolidate maths learning at home. Please see the links below for our glossaries and workshops.

EYFS Maths Glossary

Year 1 Maths Glossary

Year 2 Maths Glossary

Year 3 Maths Glossary

Year 4 Maths Glossary


EYFS Maths Workshop

Year 1 Maths Workshop

Year 2 Maths Workshop

Year 3 Maths Workshop

Year 4 Maths Workshop