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Roecroft Lower School

  • School Parliament

    We are a very important part of the school because we are the children’s voice. 

    At Roecroft Lower School we aim to stimulate the children’s interest and understanding about school life. We teach children a sense of belonging to the school through decision making. Thus they learn to value their own and other people’s needs and they are better able to make their own life choices today. In our school, School Parliament makes a significant contribution to citizenship education by teaching about how we should help others. We teach children to understand that others in the world need support and we can help by holding events to raise money.

    We meet with Mrs Cross, our headteacher to discuss current issues and make important decisions based on what is best for the Roecroft community. 

    The School Parliament had to complete a job application to explain why they would make a good member of parliament. 

    Meet the Roecroft Parliament:


    Our Responsibilities include:

    • Sharing ideas to improve school life with all the classes then feeding back to Mrs Cross. 
    • Collecting ideas from the suggestion grids placed in each class and sharing them with Mrs Cross. 
    • Raising money for charities by organising and supporting events throughout the year.
    • Conducting whole surveys & votes, representing the voice of the children. 
    • Championing the British Values. 



    • Children in Need 
    • Comic Relief