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Roecroft Lower School

Pupil Premium

Roecroft receives a Pupil Premium Grant from the Government - based on the number of children receiving free school meals, looked after children, or children with parents in service.

The purpose of the pupil premium funding is to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.

At Roecroft diminishing the difference between our disadvantaged pupils achievements and their peers is a whole school priority and we are fully committed to meeting the social, emotional and academic needs of all of our pupils. We will ensure that the funding is spent on the targeted groups and has a significant impact on the pupils both educationally and holistically. 

Our Aim at Roecroft is to:

  • to provide a range of support to raise the progress and attainment of these pupils and to close the gap between the achievement of these pupils and their peers. 

Steps to PP Support 

Enrichment Teacher: Mrs Natalie Pateman

 Our strategy ensures our most disadvantaged children receive academic support alongside strategies which diminish barriers to learning such as attendance, attitude, behaviour and well-being.  

My role in school is to support pupils to meet their full learning potential. This is done through a variety of ways including small group and 1:1 intervention groups in Maths and English, breakfast club, nurture group, sensory circuits, enrichment after school club and our enrichment curriculum. This curriculum provides opportunities for our children to develop their self-esteem by encouraging them to take on challenges and to learn from their mistakes, in a safe and nurturing environment. The intention of the enrichment curriculum aims to develop our children’s character through Resilience, Risk Taking, Self-esteem, Team Building and Curiosity (RRSTC).

How we measure the impact of PPG

Roecroft vigorously tracks the  progress of pupils and monitors attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics to ensure the provision we have put in place is of great impact and cost effective. Provision is carefully reviewed through the use of the Pupil Premium Strategy to ensure the success of the funding received.

We report regularly to the Governing body on how the PPG is used and the impact of this to show our commitment to closing the attainment gap.

The full Pupil Premium Strategy can be downloaded below. 

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-23

Pupil Premium Strategy Report 2021-22 

Pupil Premium Strategy Report 2020-21

Pupil Premium Strategy Report 2019-20 

For further information about the Pupil Premium, please visit:



If you think you could be entitled to the Pupil Premium Grant then please click here.