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Roecroft Lower School

Miss Hicks and Miss Wood - Year 3 


Welcome to Kingfisher Class!

We are Miss Hicks and Miss Wood and we are extremely proud to be the class teachers in Kingfisher Class. Throughout the week, we are very lucky to have Mrs Senior and Mrs Bradford supporting us with our learning.

Kingfisher class have a wonderful classroom on the first floor, we even have our own balcony which we sometimes sit on to do our work when the weather is nice. In Kingfisher class we work together as a team, always try our hardest and look after each other.

Our week consists of lots of exciting lessons and learning opportunities. We have a variety of wonderful activities across the curriculum to look forward to this year! We participate in different topics in our humanities subjects throughout the year, including The Stone Age, Vikings, Mayans, UK, Extreme Earth and South America. 


Daily Routine

Year 3s are let in through the double doors at the front of the school, next to the main office. This is also where children leave from at the end of the day.  

The school day starts at 8:55am and ends at 3:30pm. 

Morning break is at 10:50 am. In Key Stage 2, children are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack to have at break  time this could be fruit, vegetables, rice cakes or a small sandwich.  Milk is available for children to drink at break time if paid for by the parents or carers.  Contact the office for more information on this.


Click on the link below for the Year 3 curriculum overview for the year.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview 2024-25

Phonics and Spelling Programme

In Year 3, we use Spelling Shed to teach spellings and focus on a different pattern each week. 

Children are expected to practise their spellings at home via the Spelling Shed online portal. 

Mental Maths Programme

In Key Stage 2 we are currently running a mental maths programme alongside our daily Maths whole class teaching. Children are grouped based on their current stage of learning in the Mathematics curriculum. Children work on a range of mental maths problems each day, with a whole class mental maths session taking place each Thursday. The programme is designed to consolidate core learning in all areas of Maths.


PE lessons will be taking place indoors (Wednesday) and outdoors (Friday), so please remember that children will need to come in to school wearing their PE kits on both relevant days each week. Please also ensure your child has warm clothing to wear outside, including trainers as we use the field all year round.

Our PE kit is:

- Roecroft black shorts, or plain black shorts 
- Roecroft green PE top, or dark green t-shirt  
- Roecroft black joggers, or plain black joggers
- Roecroft black hoody, or plain black hoody
- Trainers (not Plimsolls)
- Roecroft PE socks, or green PE socks

All long hair should be tied back for PE lessons and earrings should be removed or covered with micropore tape if recently pierced.


Children’s spellings should be practised daily alongside using DoodleMaths, and Times Tables Rock Star. Children are expected to be reading frequently throughout the week at home to an adult.  

Reading and Library Books

Kingfisher classes library session is on a Friday. Children will change their library book each week which is kept in school in their tray. Throughout the week children are given numerous opportunities to read these books. 

In Year 3 all children can change their reading book on a Monday when they have finished reading it and are ready for the next book. Depending on the reading stage that your child is on there will be a second reading book change day on a Thursday. Off scheme readers can change their reading book on any day. When you have read with your child please sign their reading record or add comments about their reading. 

When your child is ready to change their book please ensure you have signed their reading record and say they have finished their book.