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Roecroft Lower School

Parents Evenings, Reports and Open Classrooms

Parent evenings are held formally twice a year, in October and March, this is a chance to talk to your child’s teachers, and to find out how they are progressing.

Appointments are made for 10 minute slots using an online booking system. Over the year there is daily contact with your child’s teacher and we also encourage email contact frequently. If you wish to talk further about any aspect of your child's progress you are welcome to make further appointments with your child's class teacher at any point in the year.

Bookings are now made on line and an easy guide can be viewed below

ParentMail - Parents Evening Manager Guide

Please use the link below to log into the booking system

ParentMail Log In

In addition to our parent’s evening we would usually have ‘OPEN CLASSROOMS’ held every half term. These are a chance to pop into your child’s classroom to look at their work and displays, and share what they have been busy doing. Once we are able to hold these again the dates will be available on our newsletter and website.

SCHOOL REPORTS are sent home twice a year, a less formal Interim report is sent home in December, discussing how your child has settled and current targets. In July you will then receive your child’s end of year report. This report details your child’s progress over the academic year and looks at targets as they transition into the stage of their learning.

School reports are sent home via ParentMail. If any separated parents would like an email copy, please contact the school in writing, via letter or email, detailing the email address this should be sent to.