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Roecroft Lower School

Miss Emmerson - Year 2


Welcome to Owl Class! 

Hello, I am Miss Emmerson and I am really proud to be the Owl Class teacher and Head of Curriculum.  We are also extremely lucky to have Mrs Guttridge supporting us with our learning 

In Year 2 we work hard, have fun and always do our best!

We share busy but enjoyable days, learning but having fun. 

Keep up the fantastic work Owls and always remember that we have a ‘Hoot’ when learning in our class!!  

Daily Routine

In Owls, the school doors open at 8:35am and close at 8.45am.  The children should line up outside their designated classroom door and then come in through this door.

Morning break is at 10:25am where a healthy fruit or vegetable snack is provided by the school; milk is also available for children to drink at break time, but will need to be paid for by the parents or carers.  Lunchtime is then at 11.45am and we also have an afternoon break in the Autumn term at 2pm.

At the end of the day, our school doors open at 3.20pm and close at 3.30pm.


Please click on the link below for curriculum information for the current academic year. This has details on the topics we will cover. 

Year 2 Curriculum Overview 

Phonics and Spelling 

During Year 2, your child will either be part of a phonics group or whole class  spellings. 

If part of a phonics group, your child will continue to use 'Read Write Inc' so that they can embed their learning from Year 1; we understand the importance of securing all phonics sounds which are the foundations for successful reading, writing and spelling. 

Once your child has demonstrated that they are secure with their phonics understanding, they will move onto learning different spelling patterns in their class. In KS1, we follow the Read Write Inc spelling programme before moving onto Spelling Shed in KS2.


Owl class has outdoor PE on a Monday and indoor PE on a Thursday.  Children will be expected to come to school in their PE uniform on those days (see the school uniform section of our website). On indoor days in the winter, please can children wear joggers over the top of their shorts and they will then be able to remove their joggers for their indoor session.  Please can children with long hair also have this tied up and any ear piercings should either be removed or taped.


Our homework in year 2 will consist of Reading, common exception words, Doodle and Times table Rockstar (Summer Term).

All children are expected to regularly read at home and have their reading record signed by an adult. All children will receive up to two books and this will give them the opportunity to discuss the differences between the  books and also answer a range of questions from an adult. When they are ready to change their books, they will need to place them in the book box in their classrooms. We have two changing days which are Monday and Thursday.

As mentioned in the previous section, your child will also be given a login to spelling shed which provides an online portal for them to practise different spelling patterns each week.

For their maths, your child has their own DoodleMaths login and we recommend 5-10 minutes on DoodleMaths everyday or when possible. It is a great opportunity to practise a wide range of maths concepts. Then in the summer term, they will also be given access to Times Tables Rockstar. This is an engaging app that will allow your child to practise their multiplication and division facts if they would like to.


Reading and Library Books

All children have a weekly library session where they can choose their own book out of a wide selection.

We also build our reading and comprehension skills through weekly reading groups. Staff do not make comments in the home reading record as we keep our own more detailed records in school linked to the year group curriculum objectives.  

The children love sharing stories as a class. We explore a range of texts across the year to develop our love for books and comprehension skills in a more complex text. The texts covered can be seen within the curriculum section of our website under recommended reading.